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Good Board Governance 5 Point Check
Designed to assist Boards in organizational governance planning.
Take 7.5 Minutes to Start Replacing Bias with Understanding
Bias and prejudice are within us all. We need help from each other to expose limiting bias and hateful prejudice and replace it with truth and understanding. I will continue to seek the truth, listen and learn as a white woman of privilege. I encourage you dear reader to invest 7.5 minutes and watch these two videos.
Phyllis Webstad courageously shares her story “The Orange Shirt” as a third-generation residential school survivor. Phyllis is one of 150,000 children who attended a residential school. Please watch Phyllis’ video and learn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3vUqr01kAk . Join many who honour and remember residential school survivors, their families and those who died. I will forever look upon orange shirts differently now that I know her story.
The late Gord Downie sought out the truth about Canada’s shameful atrocities against Indigenous peoples stolen away to residential schools. Chanie Wenjack was one of 4,440 Indigenous children who died in a residential school over the 120 years that these schools existed. Please take the time with an open heart and mind and learn more about The Secret Path https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za2VzjkwtFc
May understanding and love encircle all who grieve throughout the generations. May peace encircle every child, every friend, every family member and every person connected through love.